
The Prison Industrial System Is Traumatizing Our Youth

[ad_1] Prison conditions in the United States have the lowest standards compared to other highly developed countries, and the neglect and abuse in the for-profit prisons is worst of all. Most alarming is the situation at Juvenile Detention Centers, where children as young as twelve years old are held. In 2013, The Huffington Post, in

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Single Parents In College – How To Meet The Double Challenge

[ad_1] Experts think that two of every ten college students today is a single parent, whether male or female. And the number of single parents in college is on a steady rise. This shouldn’t really be surprising since single-parent households have been on a sharp and steady increase for several decades. Whether by chance or

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Finally! Help For Children Suffering With ADHD, ADD!

[ad_1] Over the past decade, Attention Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD) cases have risen five-fold. It has been reported that 3-7% of American children suffer from the diagnosis. ADHD/ADD symptoms are characterized by poor concentration, failure to focus, impulsive behaviors, and hyperactivity. Currently, there are no specific protocols for diagnosing the conditions. Often

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Children’s Whole Food Vitamins Can Insure Adequate Nutrition and Boost Immune Support

[ad_1] Children’s vitamins may be essential in today’s world as most kids don’t get adequate nutrition. If you have kids, you know that it can be difficult to get them to eat right and many parents lose the battle. Who doesn’t worry about their children’s nutrition? In years past, the American diet came largely from

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Child’s Play – Treating The Insanity of the Mental Health System

[ad_1] In today’s mental health system there is a pattern of fraud and coercion that takes way the freedoms and dignity of children and their families. Children are receiving stigmatizing labels and being prescribed psychotropic drugs with many untoward effects. Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz, MD made the comment that if an individual hit us with a

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Divorce Cases: Protecting Your Children From the Litigation

[ad_1] Divorce brings immense psychological stress for the family, but no parent should be willing to let it impact their children. But the disputes materializing into separation and finally the dissolution of marriage often trickle down and affect the children and possibly make them a part of the fight over their custody. In such a

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