
Physical Fitness

[ad_1] Physical fitness is a necessary requisite for leading a healthy and an active life. It not only improves the strength and endurance of the body but also the lifestyle of a person. Physical fitness is difficult to maintain, especially amid the stress and strain of contemporary lifestyles, with little scope for exercise and recreation. […]

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Music & Emotions: Can Music Really Make You a Happier Person?

[ad_1] How many times have you turned to music to uplift you even further in happy times, or sought the comfort of music when melancholy strikes? Music affects us all. But only in recent times have scientists sought to explain and quantify the way music impacts us at an emotional level. Researching the links between

Music & Emotions: Can Music Really Make You a Happier Person? Read More »

Migraine Relief – Essential Oils to Use & Methods of Application for Best Results

[ad_1] A synergistic blend of essential oils can be more effective for getting the results you desire than any single essential oil. The key pure essential oils I recommend you use in a blend for migraine relief, include: Frankincense, Cypress, Peppermint and Lavender LAVENDER ( Lavendula augustifolia ) – A universal first aid healing oil

Migraine Relief – Essential Oils to Use & Methods of Application for Best Results Read More »

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