Tell Tale Signs of a Bad Care Home

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Placing a loved one in a care home can be a stressful and upsetting time for everyone involved. But when you’re no longer able to provide adequate care, they are the best option. And while the negative stigma surrounding care homes has been quashed, it is shocking the number of poor facilities that are out there.

If you’re choosing a long-term care facility for a loved one, you should make sure you keep an eye out for these ten tell-tale signs of a bad care home:

1. Firstly, assess how you are greeted upon your visit. Are staff willing and prepared to be helpful, or do they try and prevent you from asking questions and seeing the full premises? If staff are disrespectful to you, your loved one may face similar treatment.

2. If the care workers refer to staff as ‘the man in bed A’ rather than by name, alarm bells should ring. Your relative may have lost some of their independence, but they are still human and should be treated so. Bad care homes won’t give a personal level of care.

3. Unhygienic and unclean residential homes should also be avoided. Strong smells of disinfectant can also be a warning sign as this is often used to cover up something. When choosing potential homes, ask to see a lived-in room to inspect the level of care.

4. Note the appearance of the residents. Are the clean, dressed and well groomed? A tell-tale sign of a poor care home is one that doesn’t appear to be taking these most basic elements of care seriously. You should also assess whether residents appear to be distressed, upset, or lonely.

5. How do staff speak to the residents? Are the patronising, passive-aggressive, or disrespectful? You want to make sure your loved one is treated with the respect they deserve, and this kind of attitude is a sign of a terrible care home

6. Are residents being fed adequate meals? Inspect the quality of the food, and whether or not residents are eating. It is important that those in care home eat a healthy, well balanced diet. You should also see if those that need help eating are given the care and attention they deserve.

7. A bad home for the elderly will leave residents sat in their chairs all day. Speak to as many people as you can to see what the day-to-day activities are. Are those who are able given the freedom they deserve? Are those that need assistance given it to enable them to get out and about?

8. During your visit, see how promptly calls for help are answered. A bad residential home will leave residents in distress for a prolonged period, or may go to their aid slowly. Poor care homes will also be lacking in safety features like grab bars.

9. A tell-tale sign of a poor residential homes is one that is outdated and poorly maintained. When looking at potential homes for the elderly, make sure that all the rooms are well decorated, light, and airy. Check that all carpets are laid properly and that personal safety is a high priority.

10. Perhaps the biggest and most alarming sign of a bad care home would be the use of restraints, or the presence of bruises on residents. If you see any of these signs, you should leave immediately and alert the appropriate authorities.


Source by Ruth Williams

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