Strategies For Teaching Chair Yoga Classes To Beginners

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These days, more and more people are realizing that yoga is a great form of exercise that can help them tone up, slim down, and eliminate stress in their life. Instructors who are truly interested in helping these individuals should note that teaching chair yoga classes can be a great way to keep this form of exercise fresh and exciting. At the same time, however, it is important to note that many people are not familiar with chair yoga. For this reason, instructors who want to teach chair courses to beginners need to incorporate proven strategies to make the process as effective as possible. Here are four strategies that will help instructors master the art of teaching chair classes to beginners:

1. Attain A Certification Or Take Courses.

Although many instructors think that chair courses are a simple extension of traditional forms of yoga, it’s important to understand that this practice has distinct elements that need to be mastered. Since this is the case, it is advantageous and ideal for instructors to attain a professional certification or take practice courses before attempting to teach others chair yoga. Once an instructor attains certification or takes courses, she or he will likely attain the substantive knowledge and experience necessary to teach with confidence.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice.

The old adage "Practice makes perfect" is definitely applicable in the world of yoga. In order for an instructor to master the art of chair yoga, it is important to remember that attaining certification and/or taking courses is just the beginning. In addition to completing these foundational steps, the instructor will need to practice consistently. Ideally, the instructor should practice the moves in front of a mirror in order to detect errors. In so doing, the instructor will be able to teach chair courses more efficiently to beginner students.

3. Use Positive Language.

Because yoga courses involve the attempt to perform complex movements while one’s body is on display, many people feel uncomfortable or embarrassed about class participation. This is oftentimes especially the case for people who are just beginning chair classes. In order to help students gain confidence and feel comfortable, it is a good idea to use positive language when offering correction and advice regarding the moves. Specifically, avoid the use of negative words like "No" and "Don’t." Instead of telling the student what not to do, clearly state what they should be doing and compliment them on any activity that they’re already doing well to reinforce self-esteem and a positive attitude towards exercise.

4. Stay Current.

As a result of technological advances and the perpetual evolution of the exercise science field, methodologies and praxis with respect to yoga are subject to perpetual shifts. Since this is the case, instructors who want to offer their students the most contemporary, cutting edge chair classes need to stay current with respect to emerging trends and best practices. To accomplish this objective, it’s a good idea to subscribe to reputable exercise journals and take continuing education courses (CECs).


Yoga instructors who have given consideration to teaching chair classes to beginners should know that doing so can be personally rewarding and professionally advantageous. To make the most of this opportunity, be sure to incorporate some or all of the strategies outlined above. In so doing, yoga instructors will likely find that they excel in the art of teaching chair classes to beginners.


Source by Faye Martins

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