Single Parenting Tips For You

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If you are raising your children on your own, you are in good hands. Single parenting is now more common than ever across the world. Learn how to cope with challenges that come with it and how you can raise happy and healthy children.

Raising a child is not easy, it’s hard enough when with your partner, but when you are single, the difficulty becomes even harder. Single parent families may generally have lower incomes and little access to health care. Juggling between taking care of children and work can be difficult and socially isolating. You might be concerned about the absence of a father or mother figure for your children.

Here are some tips to help you cope in your single parenting journey.

Show Love and Care: Always praise your child when he/she does something good. Give your children unconditional love and care. Create time for play; read or just spend time with your child.

Come Up with a Routine: Create a regular schedule for meals or play time; let your children know what’s coming.

Find Quality Child Care: If you require regular child care, search for a reputable caregiver who can offer stimulation in a safe environment. Be on the lookout and ask friends or a partner to watch out for your children.

Set Boundaries: Come up with house rules and expectations for your children, such as showing respect to others. Work with other caregivers in your children’s life to offer the required discipline. Set limits for screen times, and teaching more responsibility.

Don’t Feel Guilty: Don’t blame yourself for your single parent situation, or give too much freedom to your children to make for being alone in raising your children.

Take Care of Yourself: Include exercise in your daily regime, eat healthy and get enough sleep. Create time for activities you enjoy doing alone or with close friends.

Join a Support Group: Come up with a schedule to connect with other people who are in the single parenting journey.

Be Positive: It is not wrong to tell your children the truth when the going gets tough, but remind them that everything will be okay with time. Try to create a sense of humor when handling daily challenges.

Single parenting can be both challenging and rewarding. But showing love, care, respect, being honest and staying positive, you can reduce the stress of being a single parent and instead help your child to thrive and be better.


Source by Paul Anthony Beard

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