Reasons for Putting an Elderly Parent in a Nursing Home

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Many people find the decision of relocating their parents into a nursing home to be difficult and emotional. It is important to understand the reasons for parents living in centers for the aging because, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, more than half of the adults older than age 65 require some form of long-term care in their lives.

Lack of Caregivers

Many aging parents find it difficult to live alone. In addition, their families may not be able to move into their homes with them, and the cost of hiring a caregiver may not be affordable. Aging parents that are unable to drive or leave their homes unassisted may find it difficult to pick up medications and groceries.

Cognitive Problems

Placing your aging parent in a nursing home may be a great option, especially if they have cognitive problems such as dementia, memory loss, confusion, disorientation, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Daily Activities

Many elderly individuals need assistance with various daily physical activities. This may include bathing, eating, dressing, and caring for incontinent episodes.

Temporary Placement

Placing your parent in a center for the aging is a temporary solution, especially if the parent is recovering from surgery or a sudden illness. This offers your parent enough time to mentally and physically rehabilitate to the point that he can return home.

Around the Clock Care

The most notable advantage of placing a loved one in an elderly facility is that it provides them with an opportunity to get continual care on a 24/7 basis. This type of care may be practically impossible to provide at home. Caring for an elderly person requires a high level of attentiveness, which means that the caregiver in the family never gets a real break. Elderly centers have trained health workers who monitor and provide care and intervention to help your loved one.

Advantages to the Family

Placing your parent in an elderly facility gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your parent is in a safe and reputable place where he is fed and given medications on time. This allows you and your family to return to a normal life. In addition, if the elderly facility is near your place of residence, you can make regular or daily visits to maximize your time spent with your parents.

Social Advantages

Elderly centers provide many options for aging residents who are able to participate. These centers provide families with the opportunities to do crafts, play bridge, attend concerts, and play games with their aging parents without having to leave the facilities. Some elderly centers even have swimming pools to allow their residents to swim whenever possible.

It is important to consider placing your parent in a nursing home when he requires more care than you can provide. However, it is important to do your homework before placing your parent in an elderly facility to ensure that it will be a positive move. Although you may not spend many hours together, the time you spend together will be of better quality.


Source by Anna Woodward

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