How to Pick A Day Care

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You need a new day care for your son or daughter. It is incredibly hard for most parents to simply drop off their child with strangers and walk away. You want to be sure that the workers watching the children are doing a great job. It should be possible to have an observation appointment at the facility before bringing your child in for their first official day at this childcare center. There are many things you can notice by sticking around for a few hours to watch your child play and interact with his or her caregivers.

Interaction Is Key

One of the things you want to notice is how well the day care professionals actually engage your child. Are they talking with the child and introducing him or her to other kids? If the providers are simply standing in one area while the kids are playing, there’s little interaction between adults and children. That could mean that your child will not get the level of attention you want them to receive. Watch how the child interacts with other children. Do the caretakers ensure things keep going smoothly?

Notice Other Parents

Do other parents come in and leave without following the procedures on how to do this safely in the facility? They should have to sign in properly. A child should be greeted and brought in according to the established rules. You do not want to see just anyone walking in and picking a child up without any facility protocol. Pay attention to the process to ensure everyone is doing it the same way. Ask questions about their policies. A lax policy is unsafe and a bad sign.

Stay for a Meal

What are they feeding your child? Is it prepared properly? Ask to see the kitchen. Find out what rules there are regarding snacks and meals. How many caretakers are there for the number of children during the lunchtime routine? You want to know your child has access to good quality food, and you want to make sure that the children are being monitored during this time. A level of cleanliness is something else you want to notice. Is the location clean?

All of these things are important for you to notice when you observe at a day care. It pays to spend some time watching how your child interacts with others. You also want to see what the caretakers do to ensure your child remains happy and safe. You are likely to leave your child at a day care in good conscience when the facility is maintained, and you see that the children are being nurtured by caring employees.


Source by Paul Anthony Beard

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