How Does Stress Affect Health Series – Personal Values, Beliefs, Fears and Migraine Headache Relief

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Building emotional wellness and health in a world that often seems crazy with changes toppling one upon the other is a critical life skill for everyone.

If you are stressed out by all of this change and feel like the rug is constantly being pulled from under your feet, learn how stress affects your body, then take real steps to alleviate this stress over the long term.

Louise Hay, author of ‘Heal Your Body’ has pioneered the how does stress affect health field for decades and provides some real insights you can use to help you track and understand your body’s wise clues.

Personal Values, Beliefs, Fears and ‘Heal Your Body’ What Causes Migraine Headaches Tips

Take a few deep breaths to get out of your head so as to center and align with your own intuitive knowingness as you consider the relevance in your life and situation of the following possible causes of migraine headaches:

*** Dislike of being driven

*** Resisting the flow of life

*** Sexual fears (Can usually be relieved by masturbation)

Louise Hay Affirmations To Help You Create Migraine Headache Relief

I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. Life is for me.

Effects of Stress on the Body, Dimensions of Health and Wellness Conclusion for Migraine Headache Relief

As you begin to use the above Louise Hay affirmations, allow yourself to allow your intuitive guidance to guide and offer you insights to consider. This will help you to let go of personal values, beliefs, fears and habitual thought and emotional patterns that no longer serve you.

As with normal headaches, use the onset of migraine headaches to stop whatever you are doing to pay attention to you and what is going on inside. Center, breathe, clear and release fears, anxieties, worries. Always drink water in times of stress because it helps you to quickly clear ground your energy.

To access more effects of stress on the body and holistic wellness and health growth coaching, request the free newsletter offered at the links below.


Source by Angela Chen Shui

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