Hosting an Au Pair

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It is difficult for many parents to balance life, family, and work. Because many working families have more than one child they need extra help to give their children the care and attention they need. Finding the right childcare solution is a tough decision for parents because most want a caregiver that is trustworthy, affordable, and can offer the flexibility a busy family requires.

One option available to busy parents that offers a safe, affordable, trustworthy, and flexible solution to their child car needs is hosting a live-in au pair. Au pairs travel from abroad to the U.S. for one year to experience American culture and care for the children of their host family. Au pairs are young people who are enthusiastic about learning new cultures and have a passion for caring for children. By volunteering, living in our communities, and taking classes at local colleges they can learn about America and experience our culture first hand.

For families who love to learn about other cultures and travel, an au pair is the perfect childcare solution. If you want to educate your children from an early age about the world beyond your community, hosting an au pair is the perfect way. Your au pair will introduce your children to a new language, stories, and culture.

You can be assured that you will get a trustworthy and qualified caregiver when you host an au pair because the U.S. Department of State regulates au pair programs in the U.S. Au pairs are able to live and study in the U.S. for one year on a J-1 cultural exchange visa. They must provide 45 hours of childcare per week to their host family and meet strict requirements. A au pair has to be between the ages of 18 and 26, they must speak proficient English, and also complete a comprehensive application that includes personal references, childcare references, a background and criminal check, and a medical examination.

Hosting an au pair is as affordable or less expensive than other childcare options and will allow your family to experience other cultures as well as gives you the opportunity to help a young person from abroad.


Source by Shannon Braun

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