Creatively Caring for Elderly Parents and the Disabled With Home Medical Products

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Caring for elderly parents has arrived for many of the baby boomers. Whether we care for parents in our home or their homes, many home medical products and adaptive equipment make living more comfortable and safe. Likewise, caretakers of disabled family members can benefit from the use of home medical products in order to make their caretaker role easier and more helpful to their clients or family member.

My mother would have been 100 years old last January. She passed 2 years ago. I had cared for her, including many years in my home, for 30 years. Her disabilities progressed with her age and certainly changed many aspects of our living. But, it wasn’t until after her passing that I learned about the extent of adaptive equipment available. Had I known the vast array of home medical products available, my job would have been facilitated greatly.

The world of adaptive equipment and home medical products offers many solutions for people with disabilities, the elderly and their caretakers. Adaptive equipment is the key for quality of life.

Recently, I decided to pursue a home based business aimed at improving quality of life for people with disabilities and the elderly. As I researched products for my website “Enhancing Quality of Life,” I discovered the depth of the world of adaptive equipment. So many products are available; it blew me away.

Hence, this article. I had spent 3 years as a psychologist in a rehabilitation facility for people with workers’ compensation injuries, 20+ years as a psychotherapist, and 30 years as a caretaker. Much of my work with clients and as a caretaker has been to enhance coping skills and develop the spirit of survival. Many of my clients have had disabilities or are caretakers of family members.

In caring for the disabled and elderly, don’t rule out their emotional needs. Mental and emotional adjuncts to life challenges round out the care picture. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects are needed to treat the whole person. We are not just our disabilities, we are people first and foremost.

Adaptive equipment can alleviate many of the physical problems; mental and emotional issues still need to be factored in to address all treatment needs. Let’s use every possible resource to attack the disabilities and raise comfort levels to the max. Much of a caretaker’s role is to become aware of the home medical products and adaptive equipment that is available to enhance quality of life.

Reducing stress in the disabled or elderly world is accomplished by providing adaptive equipment that takes away the stress of coping with limited physical abilities.


Source by Patricia A White

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